FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


For 1:1 expanded states work, preparation, and integration, I primarily work along two dimensions. The first dimension of work is directed towards the elimination or minimization of suffering in the client— suffering from PTSD, issues related to childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, addictions, and/or other psychological situations that impact the client’s life in a negative manner, diagnosed or not.

Secondly, I work with people who, however well or poorly they are doing by societal standards, feel something is missing from their lives. That missing something is the awareness of spirit. Unfortunately, our modern lives do not emphasize, or even acknowledge, the reality of our inner divinity. This divinity is in each of us, and once found, the work is to tend to this inner divinity like a flower garden, allowing it to grow and flourish in us. It is my honor to support others on their path towards connecting with the inner divinity that is already inside them.

These two dimensions are not mutually exclusive- all humans operate with some blend of these two dimensions.



Some conditions I specifically do not work with are people with any diagnosis of schizophrenia, or a current diagnosis of narcissistic or borderline personality disorders. I am happy to help connect people suffering with these conditions to other resources that may be more appropriate for them.



Expanded states of consciousness are states where our phenomenological experience is greater than what is regularly experienced in our daily existence. There are several ways of achieving expanded states. Some examples are meditation, shamanic drumming, chanting, breathwork, fasting, sleep deprivation, hypnosis, and psychedelic medicines.



Allow me to make an awkward analogy. Our beings work somewhat like a modern computer, with many operations happening at all times on the computer, such as calculations, notifications, memory buffering, and many programs running in the background, doing various actions. However, your awareness of what is going on is limited to what you can see on the screen.

Similarly, there are many thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, reactions, etc. that are happening in our being at all times, but we are limited in our awareness of these operations in a small window of awareness that we call “consciousness.” In fact, most of what is happening both on the computer and in our being are not on the “screen” of consciousness. Nevertheless, these operations are happening in the background, outside of awareness, influencing our interpretations and our reactions to our environment on a moment to moment basis.

One of the major benefits of working in expanded states is that they allow us to access parts of our being that are not usually accessible on the “screen” of consciousness. When we bring these parts into awareness, we can address these parts of our whole being, giving us an opportunity to calibrate and change our “programming” and “source code” and also gain a richer understanding of our path.



The western model of medicine has trained us to believe that healing happens outside one’s own self. But this is not how healing happens. Even when someone goes to the emergency room for a wound, the doctors are not doing the actual healing, rather, they create the circumstances that allow for the body to heal itself. It is YOUR bones that are doing the mending, YOUR flesh that is knitting itself together.

Healing from trauma and undoing reactive patterning work the same way. Frankly, I can not heal your trauma or undo your reactive patterning. What I can do is create a space where you can untie those knots in your being that keep you from being your best, most connected, divine self. The power is in you.