I learned how my patterns get in the way of my moving forward.

Many of us find ourselves getting into the same situations repeatedly. Often, we hear the warning signs, but ignore them, only to find ourselves wondering how we walked into the same situation yet again!

Or, we go back to the same behaviors that led us down maladaptive roads before. Whether it is giving in to substance abuse, harming others, giving into our insecurities or closing our hearts to connection for fear of being hurt, these are all patterns of behavior that lead us time and time again to the same negative result.

These patterns of behavior run deeply in us because they are tied to unconscious core beliefs that resulted from our early childhood experiences. As adults, these patterns interfere with daily life, impact our ability to function and affect our interactions with others.  

Recognizing there is a pattern and excavating the unconscious core belief responsible for the pattern is the first step toward moving forward and bettering ourselves.

Plant medicine has been shown, both in the scientific literature and in practice, to be an effective means of shedding light on these patterns and their underlying mechanisms.  However, it isn’t enough to simply become aware of a pattern and decide to change it. You must be mindful in your daily life and decide differently when you feel that tingle of those familiar warning signs.

Once you’ve made the affirmative decision to change your behavior or break a pattern, you will inevitably find yourself in fresh circumstances that will test your resolve.

Having the ability to choose a different option from what we are used to falling back on is how we grow as conscious humans. Our ability to choose a different action allows us to respond consciously and effectively in the moment as opposed to reacting automatically to our circumstances. When we are able to respond rather than react, life always gets better.


Here are things to tell yourself if you grew up emotionally neglected.


I am not my thoughts and my thoughts can’t hurt me.